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Edition of 950 11" x 14"

On a misty day in August I set out with my macro lens to capture the fall tundra in Denali National Park. I chanced upon an incredibly diverse patch of vegetation: bog berries, low bush cranberries, lichen, moss, and blueberries. The popularity of this image has led me to attempt to duplicate it many times since, but I have never been able to find this particular combination of plants ever again.

Browse this category: Mt. McKinley



Edition of 950 Size 11.5" x 24" unframed

As 'keepers' of the light', Denali and her family of lesser peaks reflect the last rays of the setting sun in the pristine waters of Wonder Lake. Located at the end of the Denali National Park road, the lake at sunset is a magical place. Inky shadows envelope the lowlands, while Denali and her sister peaks take on a shade of melted pearl. The spreading silence is like a drumbeat-broken from time to time by the cry of a loon or the distant call of a wolf.

My favorite poet must have been thinking of this place when he wrote:

There where the livid tundras keep their tryst
with the tranquil snows;
There where the silences are spawned,
and the light of hell-fire flows
Into the bowl of the midnight sky,
violet, amber and rose.

by Robert Service "The Heart of the Sourdough"

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Browse this category: Mt. McKinley



Edition of 950 16" x 24" unframed

After being out of print for over a decade, I have decided to release the remaining two hundred numbers of "Spirit of Denali"

Taken with my 300mm lens near Thorofare Pass, I have always loved the power, color, and sheer scale of this once-in-a-lifetime shot. The bull caribou is at about 4,000 feet in elevation approximately twenty miles from Mt. McKinley and almost 16,000 feet lower than the north peak (19,470). The south peak (true summit 20,320) is obscured by storm clouds. Climbers follow the Muldrow glacier (lower right) up Karstens Ridge (left of Great Harper glacier & icefall) to the summit. The temperature difference between the mountain's peak and this caribou could top 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

Browse this category: Mt. McKinley



Edition of 950 11" x 14" unframed

After months of cold and darkness, the icy grip of winter is but a distant memory. Fueled by the energy of eighteen hours of sunlight, new life explodes across the land. The cottongrass(arctic cotton) form a floral wreath around small kettle lakes--ancient relics of the last ice age--and twenty miles distant, the still ice covered mountains of Denali preside over the unfolding spectacle.

Sacred ground is wilderness--all the land and communities of plants and animals still unsullied by human occupation. The great Harvard University biologist E.O. Wilson described it well:

"Wilderness settles peace on the soul because it needs no help and it allows us access to the world in which the human spirit was born."

Browse this category: Mt. McKinley



Edition of 950 20" x 24" unframed

After months of cold and darkness, the icy grip of winter is but a distant memory. Fueled by the energy of eighteen hours of sunlight, new life explodes across the land. The cottongrass(arctic cotton) form a floral wreath around small kettle lakes--ancient relics of the last ice age--and twenty miles distant, the still ice covered mountains of Denali preside over the unfolding spectacle.

Sacred ground is wilderness--all the land and communities of plants and animals still unsullied by human occupation. The great Harvard University biologist E.O. Wilson described it well:

"Wilderness settles peace on the soul because it needs no help and it allows us access to the world in which the human spirit was born."

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