The Catholic Mass by Bishop Athanasius Schneider

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The Catholic Mass by Bishop Athanasius Schneider

The liturgy is not about us, but about God and this is never truer than in respect to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass: it is God's work, not ours-- even if, by the grace of Baptism, we are privileged participants in its salvific action. Bishop Athanasius Schneider's profound reverence for the Mass and the Blessed Eucharist grew out of his experience of their deprivation in persecution.  If we can imbibe even a little of the faith and love out of which this book has emerged, we will not only understand why Restoring the centrality of God to the liturgy is essential, but we shall our selves take up this necessary work without delay."  -- Robert Cardinal Sarah

Did you know one of the traditions was the pastor and congregation every Sunday partook in the Office of Vespers praising God?  Bishop Athanasius Schneider and co author Aurelio Porfiri appeal to the faithful to return back to the mystery, silence and reverence the Fathers of the Church had with the Mass of long standing traditions.  You will learn about the Holy Mass from its very beginning and the Fathers of the Church and Saints offer more to see of what we had and what we have lost and the desire to restore it once again.  Excellent family reading, to pass on to every seminarian and your pastor.

Hardbound, 301 pages

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